
Grinders on Parade
Grinders on Parade

Labor Day!  My salute to all the hard working men and women of America.  Especially the true laborers: the blue collar factory workers, the worker bees, the lunch pail crowd, the field hands, the garbage collectors, the mechanics, commercial fishermen, miners, heavy equipment operators, carpenters, restaurant workers, masons, dry wallers, electricians, plumbers, lumberjacks, farmers, tin men, roofers, ranchers, truck drivers, railroad workers, trappers, fur traders, and bartenders, etc.   All, of which, make up the backbone of America’s production.

Hats off to the people who actually work for a living, the ones who are willing to work to earn a living, the ones with a strong work ethic, the ones that take pride in their work, the ones with self-respect gained from a hard-earned paycheck, the ones too proud to accept handouts, and the self-reliant people who eke out a living in spite of government’s “help”.

Take the day off, you deserve it.

Thought for the Day:  The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.                                                                                                                                  Vince Lombardi

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