African Weaver

Weaver Bird - Ngorongoro Crater
Weaver Bird – Tanzania
Weaver House
Weaver House

There are several varieties of beautiful birds in Tanzania, but the African Weaver was the easiest to photograph.  I found this guy in a tree next to the road as we descended into the Ngorongoro Crater. With the top of the safari truck popped up, I was almost at eye level with it.

Technically, this is a male Southern Masked Weaver, slightly larger than a sparrow.  They are known for their elaborate nests, which contain several “rooms”.

Males have several female partners and will build up to 25 nests each season.  Sounds like the male doesn’t have much time on his hands.

Thought for the Day:  The restless grasshopper only finds rest in the gizzard of a bird.                                                                                                                              African Proverb

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