Cedar Creek Sunset

Cedar Creek Sunset Labor Day weekend. Darkness is falling like a shroud; dying embers from our marshmallow roast are losing their glow as the sun falls below the horizon, and the sliver of a moon is little help. I notice that the moon is falling behind the big tree. Hmmm, I always thought while the … Continue reading Cedar Creek Sunset

50’s Drive-In

Cape Cod Drive-In Labor Day. Last big weekend for this classic 50's drive-in on Cape Cod before entering the "off season". I found this piece of Americana on US 28 in the vicinity of West Harwich. Driving by at dusk, I thought I was in a time machine. Gull wing shape, garish florescent bulbs following … Continue reading 50’s Drive-In

Back to School

Nebraska schools open in mid-August now, even the colleges are starting before Labor Day anymore.  In Europe, however, September 1st is the "standard" opening day of school. September 1st is almost like a national holiday.  Kids dress up, families dress up for formal pictures and escort their kids to school.  Flowers are presented to the … Continue reading Back to School

Labor Day

The bottom of this massive mural in the Detroit Institute of Art is a scene of  laborers toiling in various factory settings.  As you progress vertically up the mural, I see big machinery, then brightness, then abstractness. I interpret this as progress, the result of hard work and dedication, but that's about as far as my … Continue reading Labor Day

Labor Day

Labor Day marks the end of summer although most schools have already been open for weeks.  It's the unofficial end of this year's water sports: swimming, boating, surfing (in Nebraska?), tubing, skiing, etc. My six year-old grandson wanted "one more swing" on the rope before going to bed on his last night of the season at Cedar Creek. … Continue reading Labor Day


Labor Day!  My salute to all the hard working men and women of America.  Especially the true laborers: the blue collar factory workers, the worker bees, the lunch pail crowd, the field hands, the garbage collectors, the mechanics, commercial fishermen, miners, heavy equipment operators, carpenters, restaurant workers, masons, dry wallers, electricians, plumbers, lumberjacks, farmers, tin … Continue reading Grinders

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

Like the song goes, "Those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer,  full of soda and pretzels and beer", nothing beats a rope swing over the water for good clean summer fun.  Where did the summer go?!  The kids are back in school, college football is here (nothing wrong with that), days are getting shorter and … Continue reading Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

Bus Stop

Back to school?!  Are you kidding me?! ... its still August, the autumnal equinox isn't for another 30+ days!   My tomatoes are just turning ripe, it can't be time for school to start already. Today's kids really have it rough, they have to start school in the middle of the hottest month of the year; when I … Continue reading Bus Stop