Kotor, Montenegro

Kotor, Montenegro I awoke shortly after daybreak. The coastline was visible from both sides of the ship. For the next 90 minutes we sailed between winding mountainous coastlines, also known as Europe's southern most fiords. Suddenly, we reached a deadend and arrived at Kotor, Montenegro. Nestled at the base of steep limestone cliffs, it was … Continue reading Kotor, Montenegro

Spring Planting

First Planting March came in like a lamb with several warm days in the high 60's, tempting all the gardeners to put something (anything) in the ground. As usual, March has a little something for everyone, and it went out roaring like a lion, ending with several blustery days in the 30's. Oh well, it … Continue reading Spring Planting


Lavender - San Juan Island In temperate climates all over the world, you will find Lavender. Its history dates back to the Romans who used it in bathwater. Its versatility comes from 47 different varieties used in flower gardens, cooking, cosmentics and therapeutic oils. There are lavender fields within a short drive of my home … Continue reading Lavender

New Year’s Prep

Well, you made it through the Christmas rush, all the gatherings, the Christmas cards, the family traditions, decorations, hours of baking, gift exchanges, the feast AND the celebration of the Christ child's birth. Now, it's time to relax. Oh, wait! It's your turn to host the New Year's Eve party. And, another resolution ... Uggh. … Continue reading New Year’s Prep

Triple Digits

Winter - 2021 Today's temperature will read in triple digits. Predicted to be at least 104, it will definitely break the record for June 17th in Omaha, NE. If you don't like the heat, just think about last winter when the temperature never got above zero in three days. Less than four months ago, February … Continue reading Triple Digits


Howler Monkey There are always new "finds" at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska. No matter how often you go, there is always a new adventure. I've been in the Lied Jungle several times, one of the world's largest indoor rain forests, and have seen every species of monkey. But, this time a Howler … Continue reading Howlers

Creepy Tree

Winterthur Gardens - Delaware I found this tree while roaming around the Winterthur Gardens in Delaware. I wish I had written down the species. Looks like it would make a good backdrop for a scary Halloween scene. Thought for the Day: Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good … Continue reading Creepy Tree

“P” Town

Commercial Street Once you've been to Provincetown, MA, that wild and crazy town on the very tip of Cape Cod, you are allowed to call it "P" Town. You know, its chic when you abbreviate things that are sooo blase. Commercial Street is the main drag; it's less than a mile long, but everything happens … Continue reading “P” Town

American Gothic Update

We went to Eldon, Iowa to see the original home that Grant Wood used as a background for his famous "American Gothic" painting.   Don't let the run down appearance of Eldon scare you away, the American Gothic Museum is first class; i.e. modern, very well done with knowledgeable and dedicated staff. The Staff provides … Continue reading American Gothic Update

High Trestle Trail

A 10' wide concrete ribbon winds its way through central Iowa for over 25 miles.  What once was a Union Pacific railroad has been converted to the nicest bike trail I've ever seen. Beginning in Ankeny, Iowa the High Trestle Trail goes through farmland, rolling hills and woodlands, ending up in Woodward, Iowa.  Before reaching … Continue reading High Trestle Trail

Bubble Bath

Small waves rolled in on a regular basis as if controlled by a metronome.  Gentle waves, lazy enough to loll you to sleep in a beach chair, just loud enough to encourage day dreams.  A cloudless day and gently breeze made a walk on the beach irresistible. Serenity was everywhere ... except the shore line, … Continue reading Bubble Bath

Birthday Boys

Last weekend was spent celebrating March birthdays, my wife's and the two youngest grandsons.  All three birthdays fall in a two-week span. On the way to the fun-plex for the party, we stopped at the local farm & ranch supply store to see the Easter chicks and ducklings. Both the chick and the duckling survived. … Continue reading Birthday Boys

Party Games

Pie Face is a delicious party game:  You place a gob of whipped cream on the spring-loaded purple hand, spin the dial for a number from 1 to 5, place your face in the window, and push the yellow button as many times as the spinner indicated.  If your number comes up while pushing the button, … Continue reading Party Games


  Whenever I'm in a doctor's office, hospital or other medical facility I kill time by looking at the large framed pictures in the hallways and waiting rooms.  Before long, I find myself fantasizing about seeing one of my own photos with my name on fancy tag below. Saunders Health Services Foundation sponsored a photo contest this past summer, … Continue reading Hospitals

Labor Day

Labor Day marks the end of summer although most schools have already been open for weeks.  It's the unofficial end of this year's water sports: swimming, boating, surfing (in Nebraska?), tubing, skiing, etc. My six year-old grandson wanted "one more swing" on the rope before going to bed on his last night of the season at Cedar Creek. … Continue reading Labor Day